Life Update

Hello everyone!

I wanted to share a quick update with everyone. At this time I have discerned that God is calling me to leave the sisters and move back to Kansas City. The last 1.5 years in community have been some of the most grace filled times of my life and I don’t regret any moment spent with the sisters, but right now I am being called to go in a different direction. My parents picked me up this morning and we are currently driving back to KC.

I’m excited, nervous, sad, joyful and every other emotion you can come up with, all at the same time. I have loved every minute with the sisters and I will miss them all terribly, but it isn’t “good-bye,” just “see ya later!”

I have a new phone number and if you would like that please send me a private message and I would be happy to share it on an individual basis (don’t really want to blast it to the whole world!)

I ask that you please keep me and the sisters in your prayers during this time of transition.

In Christ,


7 thoughts on “Life Update

  1. You have been in my thoughts and prayers often and will continue to be. God has called both of us on a new journey in our lives. I only wish mine didn’t take me away before your return to KC. We will be back for dedication , hope we get a chance to see and talk fir a little while. I know God will guide you to a special place for a very special girl. ❤️U


  2. Jenna, you are an amazing young woman and filled with God’s grace that you share with the world. Whether you do that as a “sister” or you do that in another way in your life, is OK. The most important thing is keeping your heart open and listening and who knows what direction God may take you. Life’s journey is not easy at times and there are bumps and roadblocks along the way, but the sun will come through the clouds and will shine showing you which bend to take on the road. The good news is, God will have led you to that bend, so wherever it takes you in life is the right way! Know of my prayers!


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